Yes, you read that correctly. Most people are well aware that yoga has numerous benefits. For example, it strengthens your muscles, helps you lose weight, improves digestion, relieves stress, improves concentration, etc..
But did you know that the practice of Yoga can also be utilized to increase sexual libido and heal the functionality of our reproductive organs?
Yoga has been used successfully in the ancient practices of Kama Sutra. There are some yoga positions that are specifically beneficial for increased sexual performance and pleasure.
Modern research confirms that the practice of yoga can enhance the sexual life of both women and men.
In addition to improving your sex life completely for free and without popping any pills, you will also reap other health benefits that come with Yoga practice.
Read on to learn all about different sexual yoga positions along with their benefits.
Sexual Yoga poses for women
1. Plow Pose
Plow Pose also known as Halasana, is a great yoga pose for sexual activity. It is the ultimate workout, which may take some time to master, but once you do, it will do wonders for your sexual life!
This position facilitates deeper penetration and allows cervical contact in females[1]. It is also especially beneficial for achieving a stronger orgasm and overcoming sexual disinterest. That is because it increases blood flow to the vaginal area and libido.
Additionally, it extends the back and shoulder muscles, which increases spinal flexibility and blood flow to the head.
How to perform
- As you lie on your stomach, slightly separate your feet so that they are virtually parallel to your hips.
- Position your arms next to your torso in a sideways position.
- Bring your knees together and hold your ankles with your hands.
- Take a deep breath in, lift your chest off the ground, and pull your legs up and stretch out.
- You should feel the stretch in both your upper arms and lower legs.
- Maintain this pose for 12 to 15 seconds while taking long, deep breaths.
- Lower both your chest and legs to the ground, and release your grip on the ankles.
- Relax your arms.
- Repeat this position 3 to 5 times.
If you do yoga right before or during sexual activity, the movement and poses can help increase blood flow throughout your body, including to your vaginal region. This can make you feel more aroused, lubricated, and satisfied.
2. Bridge pose
This pose strengthens female pelvic floor muscles. Strengthening these muscles reduces discomfort during sex and can even boost the good stuff. It also provides a deep hip flexor stretch, tones the vagina, and improves orgasms.
Holding Bridge is similar to performing a Kegel because in this exercise same pelvic muscles are contracted. Bridge pose also increases circulation and respiration by opening the chest and upper back.
How to perform
- Lie down on your back.
- Place your feet hip-width apart and bend both knees
- Put your arms flat on the floor with your palms against the ground and spread your fingers.
- Raise the lower part of your body off the floor while keeping your head, shoulder, and upper back on the ground. Allow your torso to follow your lifted pelvic region.
- Maintain the position for five seconds.
- Then release.
- Repeat this position 3 to 5 times.
3. Eagle Pose
The Eagle position is quite sexy in itself. To maximize the benefits of the eagle position, it is essential to actively squeeze the inner thighs together. And when you release your thighs, oxygen and blood rush toward the pelvic region through the cervix, preparing the entire region for some sweet, sweet love!
In addition, this pose requires stability and easiness, which are excellent for relieving tension and anxiety. By pulling your Drishti (your eyes’ point of focus) to a single point, you not only obtain balance in the position but also in your emotional body and mind. This helps you to slow life down a bit, allowing you to remain in the moment and appreciate the wonderful moments that follow.
How to perform
- Bend your knees.
- Maintaining a balance on the right foot, cross the left thigh over the right.
- Concentrate your vision on a point in front of you.
- Hook the top of the left foot behind the calf of the right leg.
- Lower your left arm to your right.
- To help in stretching the shoulders and back, gently wrap your arms and hands and lift your elbows towards the ceiling.
- Pull your stomach in toward your spine and your tailbone down gently.
- Ground down through all four corners of your standing foot.
- Hold this position for five to ten seconds while breathing.
- Repeat this pose for 3 to 5 seconds by wrapping the opposing arms and legs together.
Sexual Yoga poses for men
1. Half Plank
This position is fantastic for enhancing endurance and building strength in your upper body and core muscles, which allow you to support yourself for a longer period of time while engaging in sexual activity[2].
As a result of this, you won’t have to choose between quantity, the number of up and down movements, and quality in this situation because it helps you develop a stable base.
How to perform
- To perform this exercise, you must first make a plank position with your shoulders directly over your hands, your toes tucked under, your feet hip-width apart, and your core engaged.
- Raise your hips so that your shoulders, hips, and heels make a straight line.
- Your hands should be pulling your body forward while your elbows should be bringing your shoulders down to establish an angle of 90 degrees with elbows.
- Raise your both shoulders far away from the ground and then bring the shoulder down towards the body.
- Pull your elbows in close to your sides and squeeze them tightly.
- Gaze ahead.
- Maintain the posture for 3 to 5 seconds by breathing in as you attempt to uphold your position and breathe out as you work to increase the activation of muscles.
- Repeat 3 to 5 times.
2. Cobra Pose
Cobra posture is an excellent pose to strengthen your lower back, and it also helps you take control of your breathing. If you lift your chest as high off the ground as you can in cobra pose, you have to breathe heavily. This will help you reach climax without putting breaks to the sex and trying it later.
How to perform
- To perform this exercise, you have to place your hands beneath your shoulders with your both elbows pointing in a forward direction and close to your sides while you lie on your stomach.
- Spread out your fingers and rest your palms beneath your shoulders.
- Engage the thighs and rotate them inwardly such that the kneecaps face directly downward and all of the toes are making contact with the ground.
- Compress your large inner thighs, knees, ankles, and toes.
- Your pelvis and foot tops should be pressed onto the floor.
- Take a deep breath in as you stretch your spine forward and lift your chest off the ground slightly by using your abdominal muscles rather than your arms.
- Bring your shoulder blades downward more inward, compress your elbows to the sides, and use your hands to pull your body in the upward and forward direction.
- Maintain this position and breathe in as you raise your body and breathe out as you maintain your height and increase your engagement.
- Repeat five times.
3. Goddess or Horse
This position tests the endurance levels of the lower body and compels you to engage your core with higher intensity to keep the strain off the lower back, thereby enhancing hip flexibility and mobility. It pushes you to maintain an upright position while working on hip “flexibility”, which helps you develop the stamina required for long-lasting standing intercourse.
How to perform
- To perform this position, you need to stand with your feet separated by 3 to 4 feet (1–1.2 m). Turn your toes out to a minimum of “45 degrees” and as far as “90 degrees” as you are able to do.
- Support your neutral alignment by placing your hands on your hips.
- Make a squat position by pressing your knees backward while bringing your hips down into a seated position.
- Maintain a position in which your hips are below your torso, squeeze your glutes, and bring your tailbone toward the floor. Keep your knees in line with your middle toes at all times.
- Raise both of your arms, flex your elbows to a right angle (90 degrees), and face the palms of your hands to the front.
- To maintain the position, breathe out to sink further into the squat while maintaining a neutral spine and inhale to lower the tailbone and keep the spine in a neutral position.
- Maintain a neutral spine as best you can.
- Repeat this pose three to five times.
Sexual Yoga poses for couples
1. Back-to-back Chair Pose
This is a great pose for people who are just starting out yoga because you can lean on each other. It is the best way to strengthen your thigh and foot muscles and it makes your ankles more flexible.
How to perform
- Place your arms at your sides as you stand side by side with one another.
- As you walk with your feet hip-width apart and then slightly away from your partner’s feet, be sure to firmly press your backs together.
- Gently squat down by bending your knees and lowering yourself as if you were sitting in a chair.
- Once the angle formed by your knees is 90 degrees, stop and take five to six long, deep breaths.
- Make sure to keep your spine in a straight line, lift the crown of your head, and press down through both of your feet.
- Lean into each other and press together to finish the move. You can perform this exercise multiple times, as often as you and your partner would want.
This pose helps build trust, particularly when you use your partner for support as you move from standing to sitting.
2. Cat cow pose
This pose is often performed together. It is an excellent way to stretch the back, core, and hip muscles. The cat-cow pose also helps to open up the chest and lungs, so make sure to breathe deeply while making this pose.
How to perform
- Stay seated and reach for each other’s forearms while maintaining eye contact.
- While bringing your shoulders back and lowering them, maintain a firm grasp on the object.
- As you inhale, bring your chest up toward the ceiling and make a slight arch in your upper middle back.
- As you breathe out, tuck your chin into your chest while rounding your upper middle back and widening the space between your shoulder blades.
- When your spine warms up, you may need to look toward the ceiling as you breathe in and let your gaze fall to your belly button as you exhale.
- Repeat this exercise 10 to 12 times.
This aids in building trust between the couples.
3. Seated Forward Bend
This pose is meant to give your legs and back a very deep stretch. This posture can also be challenging, particularly if one partner has greater flexibility than the other. Therefore, communicate and proceed with caution, neither you nor your companion should be injured.
How to Perform
- To perform this pose, sit right next to your partner.
- Have one partner start by spreading their legs out and folding forward.
- If your partner feels pain in their lower back or tightness in their hamstrings, they should try bending their knees.
- The other partner lowers down onto the ground by bending their knees and placing both of their feet in a flattened position.
- Then lean back against the other person for support.
- Hold this position for five to six full breaths, then return to standing and switch to a different position.
- Repeat this pose three to five times.
Make sure to talk to your partner about this one. Depending on what they say, you can put more pressure on each other and let go of supporting each other. As you lean into each other, this exercise helps you become more physically connected.
1. Dhikav, V., Karmarkar, G., Gupta, R., Verma, M., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., & Anand, K. S. (2010). Yoga in female sexual functions. The journal of sexual medicine, 7(2), 964-970.
2. Sengupta, P., Chaudhuri, P., & Bhattacharya, K. (2013). Male reproductive health and yoga. International journal of yoga, 6(2), 87.
3. Tolahunase, M. R., Sagar, R., Chaurasia, P., & Dada, R. (2018). Impact of yoga-and meditation-based lifestyle intervention on depression, quality of life, and cellular aging in infertile couples. Fertility and Sterility, 110(4), e67.
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