Is sex safe during the Coronavirus or other pandemic outbreak? Can you catch Covid while having sex? American experts have given some guidelines on how to have sex during the coronavirus epidemic. They explained what to do in order not to get infected and listed forms of intimacy that are safe for active lovers.

The New York State Department of Health has issued guidelines on sex during the coronavirus outbreak. The guide contains some very good advice on how to have safe sex without catching the coronavirus.

Although that recommendations are addressed to the residents of New York, they are quite universal. Obviously, everyone wants to stay healthy.

Let´s dive into the state of the collective mind of the NY Health Department. Here are the key points to be taken away from their published recommendations.

Your safest sexual partner is yourself

Wash your hands before and after

Masturbation does not contribute to the spread of COVID-19. It is recommended to wash your hands and any sex toys used in the process. Washing must be done before and after, with soap, and for at least 20 seconds.


When you live together, it´s safer to have sex.

To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the NY Health Department also advises that people restrict sexual contact to only those partners that live with them. Obviously any sex outside of one’s controlled environment carries a significant increase in risk.


Webcams can help with distance dating

It is advised that people should consider alternatives to live sex. This can be assisted by employing new technologies, such as webcams or virtual reality, both of which have come a long way and are easier to use. The recommendations also include professional escort girls who are advised to meet their sexual partners online during this pandemic.


Basically, the advise of the New York State Department of Health is as expected. We should all consider taking a break from real-live dating and live sex during the Coronavirus pandemic. Instead, it is recommended that sexually active adults switch to masturbation, video dating, sexting, and chat rooms.

Is this good advice?

This is a good set of recommendations, especially for those who live in a high-risk area. Remember that parters who share the same room, apartment, or a house are safer to proceed with sexual intercourse if they both test negative.

Having physical sex during the Coronavirus pandemic can be riskier than usual. In addition to standard levels of personal hygiene, we have to learn to be more vigilant and take extra precautionary measures for our own safety and the wellbeing of our partner.

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